Polyester technical yarns, resin composites, silicone emulsions, defoamers and agents
Search product:Typical properties of 2-EAQ Appearance Light yellow scales / powder Content, % ≥ 98,5 Melting range, оС 108.0-112.0 ℃ Fe, мг/кг ≤ 5 The content of insoluble compounds in benzene, % ≤ 0,05 % S, мг /кг ≤ 10 Cl, мг /кг ≤ 30 Using: It is recommended as a catalyst for the anthraquinone […]
MoreWhite, spherical porous granules are a non-toxic, odorless material, insoluble in water, ethers, hydrocarbons, alcohols, and organic solvents. Does not form powder forms of sediment in water or alkali. Featuring high purity, long cycle life and high biodegradability and regeneration capacity for anthraquinone derivatives, the material is specifically designed for adsorption in the production of […]
MoreYUKAI-75H is a halogen-containing flame retardant, thermally stabilized form (HBCD). We offer to supply a high-quality halogen-containing flame retardant brand 75H, which provides excellent performance at low dosage levels with minimal effect on the properties of polymers at high processing temperature. Thermogravimetric analysis (10 mg at 10 °C/min in N2 medium) Weight Loss, % 5 […]
MoreUsed in the manufacture of cobalt salts in the chemical production, catalyst containing cobalt and electrolysis to produce hydrogen peroxide decomposition agent. Paint desiccating agent in coating industry, Glass lining industry used as colorants, etc. Chemical composition Assay(%) Test Result(%) Total content ≥% 99.8 99.82 CO ≥% 62 62.2 Cu ≤% 0.004 0.001 Mn ≤% […]
MoreSilicone paints combine the following elements: water, resins, organic particles. Sometimes the composition of the emulsion includes acrylic copolymers. One of the features of the paint is the absence of aggressive chemical components that can harm human health.