Polybutylene succinate (PBS)
Polybutylene succinate (PBS) is a chemical compound from the group of linear aliphatic polyesters.
PBS is prepared by reacting succinic acid with 1,4-butanediol. PBS is biodegradable, producing water and CO2.
Molecular Formula: H-(CO-(CH2)2-COO-(CH2)4-O)n-H
CAS No.: 25777-14-4
Color: Natural white
Materials for synthesis: butanediol, succinic acid
Melting point: 114℃
Processing temperature: about 140-260℃
Crystallization temperature: about 40-50℃
Hardness Shore D ≥65
Applications: Injection molding, tableware and cutlery, textiles, fishing nets, coffee capsules, engineering components, medical applications, etc.